Resultados >> Found 14 results

Abracadabra (ABRA)

Implementing institution: Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance (CSLP), Concordia University

Country: Canada

Source: Education Endowment Foundation


To help young readers master fundamental literacy skills, as well as engage their interest in...


An interactive, evidence-based online literacy tool designed for students, teachers, educators and...

Using self-regulation to Improve Writing

Implementing institution: Calderdale Excellence Partnership (CEP) – Durham University

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Education Endowment Foundation


To strengthen the writing skills of students in transition from elementary to secondary...


A program of memorable recreational experiences, during which self-regulation is...

Balsakhi Remedial Tutoring

Implementing institution: Pratham Education Foundation

Country: India

Source: IPA


Improve reading and math skills to break the cycle of poverty in India through small group...


Tutorials in small groups to work on reading and mathematics, carried out by female...

Changing Mindsets

Implementing institution: University of Portsmouth

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Education Endowment Foundation


Supporting schools to improve the expectations and achievements of their students, helping them...


A program that stimulates the intelligence and metacognition of students, through work group...

Citizen Schools

Implementing institution: Citizen Schools Foundation

Country: United States

Source: Fundación Telefónica


To close performance gaps at the elementary level, allowing for successful transitions to high...


Practice-based extracurricular sessions given by volunteer...

Teacher Incentives Based on Performance in Kenya

Implementing institution: Investing in Children and their Societies (ICS)

Country: Kenya

Source: IPA


Reduce elementary school dropout and increase school performance on national...


A bonus system for teachers based on the average results of students in the...

Improving reading skills in children in Kenya

Implementing institution: IPA

Country: Kenya

Source: IPA


Reduce dropout and improve students' reading, official and native language...


Training and assistance to teachers, complemented by small reading groups based on peer...

Community Mobilization in Rural India

Implementing institution: Pratham e IPA

Country: India

Source: IPA


Sensitize the community to the importance of education for their children and their...


Three interventions aimed at restructuring Local Education Committees (VECs) and empowering their...

Teacher Community Assistant

Implementing institution: Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)

Country: Ghana

Source: IPA


Increase elementary school students' reading and math skills by complementing and improving the...


The innovation proposes 4 types of instruments: Reinforcement sessions in classes and others...